Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Still alive :)

So this is a crap storm huh? Who thought something like a plague could happen in this day and age! Been a long time since I got on here since I been dealing with health problems and now I have to stay in, have been home for about 3 weeks now and soooooooo boooooorrrrrrrddddddd! But my mojo is gone . . . could be stress or I'm just not into tagging much anymore. I did make this tho, feel free to snag if ya want:

I'm both luck and un-lucky to live in a rural area. We have lots of distance between us out here but town is pretty much full of people running around, with their kids in tow, and teens walking around in groups since they are all out of school. But this is the "wild west" still and alot of people still think this is some kind of government hoax to take away their freedoms. *heavy sigh*  Apparently ignorance is bliss. 
Anyways stay safe, stay sane and hopefully this will be over soon. Now me, I've taken to wandering my yard till my knee starts to ache too much or watching tv til my eyes burn.  And for heavens sake, don't believe everything you see on Facebook or hear from people. People read one or two words of a story or the headline and think the sky is falling! LOL  Like the dumb person who drank fish tank cleaner (đŸ˜±) cause someone is working on a drug with one of the ingredients for the virus! Killed himself. Ugh. Be smart! 
Take care everyone! 

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